Tuesday, January 21, 2014

19 Weeks and a Party!!

Well, we are almost half way to June 17!  Last Friday, Justin and I went for our anatomy ultrasound and check-up.  We had our first ultrasound at 6 weeks, so it was amazing to see how much they grow in just 13 weeks!

We had planned a gender reveal party for the following day, so we asked the technician to keep that part a secret.  She had us look away at one point while she zoomed in on that "region" but we were able to watch everything else.  They checked everything from the brain, to the kidneys, to the lips, and the blood flow. She said that everything looked great, so we were relieved!

So for the next day, I walked around with the two ultrasound pictures that told us if our bean had developed into a little girl or boy. I thought waiting would surely kill me!!  Cindy came to pick up all the wrapping paper, the baby outfits, and the ultrasound pictures on Saturday morning! I'm not sure who was more nervous between her, my mom, and myself!

At the party, we thought it would be fun to make a little keepsake to remember the night.  I saw a couple of ideas online and we put our own little twist on it.  We had everyone put a pink or blue thumbprint on a canvas depending on what they thought it was. Justin used those thumbprints to make a bunch of balloons and a bassinet. It turned out great!

After supper, we finally got around to opening the gift!  I knew that it would be a fun little party and a great thing to share with our family, but it was so much more!  The room went CRAZY when we finally made it down to the little pink dress that was wrapped up inside. (There is a video on Facebook).  Justin and I had always said we didn't have a preference--and that is still true! We would have been happy either way!  But it looks like Baby GIRL Hill is coming in June!  

My mom and I have already started looking at all the precious little outfits we can put her in! We are thrilled that our little girl is healthy and growing everyday! 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

17 Weeks!

Well, we are now 17 weeks along and only 2 weeks from knowing if our "it" is a "she" or "he"!  We had an appointment on Friday--not a whole lot done at this one.  We got to hear the little heartbeat again (still holding strong between 140-150) and they sent us on our way.

I am still feeling fantastic! There are times, just for a second, that I forget I'm pregnant because I feel so much like myself again.  The baby bump is growing, but not much to photograph just yet.  This past week I did start to feel some flutters in my belly! It tickles--almost to the point I want to laugh!  These aren't every day yet, but if I eat a lot of sugar the baby starts doing somersaults!

Our next appointment is January 17 and they will be doing the anatomy screening ultrasound and looking to see if our little one will be wearing pink or blue.  Although, we can appreciate the excitement of waiting to know the gender when the baby is born, we are so excited to find out soon! We decided it would be way more fun to find out with our families with us, so we are going to have a gender reveal party with everyone at home!

Luckily, our appointment is on a Friday, so we only have to wait one day!  We are getting the ultrasound technician to write the gender down and are going to have my friend, Cindy, wrap an outfit that we will open with everyone!

If it's a boy:

Or if it's a girl:

A lot of people have asked what we would prefer, and like all parents, our main concern is that the baby is healthy but Justin thinks it's a boy and I am feeling girl!

Over Christmas, we had fun with some old wives tales sitting around at Grandma's for supper! Here are just a few of what was concluded:

Heart rate: >140 = GIRL
The ring test = BOY
Sweet or sour: sour = GIRL
Sleep on right or left: right = GIRL
Morning sickness?: that was a big fat yes = GIRL
Acne? no = BOY

Either way, it will be fantastic! ALL of our friends...no seriously, ALL of our friends are having a boy! So that would be really fun! And then who doesn't want a girl to put in little precious dresses! I mean look at that thing!! It is too cute!

We feel very blessed to become parents and can't wait to share as many of these experiences with our parents as we can!