Friday, October 11, 2013

The Big Island

My plan was to share our Hawaii trip with everyone the week we got back, but between jet lag and having to go back to work the next day, it took some adjusting back to the east coast before I was even able to upload the photos to my computer. 

Many of you know that Justin and I recently visited the Big Island of Hawaii.  This was a trip that we had talked about doing for a long time! We originally planned to go in 2012, but the FE (Fundamentals of Engineering) Exam, for Justin, in Oct 2012 took we pushed it back to 2013.  We are Hilton Honors members, and through their VIP program, were able to stay in their vacation resort in Waikoloa.  We spent the week all over the island though!! It was truly amazing!

For those of you that know me, you know that I planned almost every moment of this trip (with itinerary included), had a packing list made for two weeks, and wanted to set 6 alarm clocks the morning of our flight.  Luckily, Justin trusts me in all vacation planning areas, and basically just shows up for the trips we take!

One of the reasons we wanted to do this trip so badly now is the amount of time spent traveling.  I knew that taking children to Hawaii would probably not happen, and after making the trip, now I know it will NEVER happen. That is crazy jet lag!

So, hopefully, over the next couple of days, I will have all of our days shared on here! So check back from time to time! Mahalo!

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