Monday, April 15, 2013

10 Years Later!

  10 years ago I graduated from high school (crazy!)...14 years ago I met Cindy, Mariana, and Nora!  Throughout the years, we have always been great friends, but we have always let life take us to all kinds of different places.  Somehow we always end up back together, as if it hadn't been months, some times closer to years, since we saw each other.
  After high school graduation, Mariana and I headed to Raleigh, Cindy to Chapel Hill, and Nora to Boston.  A few years later, Nora and I both found ourselves in Chapel Hill---but no Cindy! Between those 5 years, Mariana had been to Peru,Spain and New York, I was in Italy, Nora in Ghana...and Cindy finding a very very sweet husband back home that we hadn't met yet.

 It was Cindy's wedding that would bring the four of us back together for the first time in years! And we were always able to pick up where we left off!  After getting married, Cindy and Josh stayed in Goldsboro, so I am able to see her a little more when we head home!

 As it goes in your twenties, weddings seemed to consume your life.  It was actually my wedding in June 2011 that would bring the four of us back together again.

 So recently, Nora had a great idea of a little girls weekend in DC to see the Cherry Blossoms and each other.  It had been almost two years, but (like always) everything picked up right where it left off. The weather was beautiful and the blossoms were everywhere! We had a chance to walk around and see all the monuments and have a picnic in the mall.


 After, we walked to Georgetown for a little shopping and decided to make a pit stop for a drink at the very place John F. Kennedy proposed to Jackie O! So cute!!

 All in all, I could not have asked for a better weekend! It was so fun to catch up with my high school friends that I have shared so (SO) much with over the years.  As different as the four of us are, we have always accepted each other for our opinions and beliefs, the goals and choices we have made, the places life, and those choices, have taken us.  No one has changed one bit--it is a beautiful thing!

 Hopefully, it will be less than 2 years before our next little reunion. But until then, our crazy lives continue to be ever-changing, and we are comforted in knowing that when we do see each other again, it will feel as if no time has passed.

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