Monday, October 14, 2013

Southern Most Point

So for those of you that have been to Key West, you may have visited the "southernmost point" and made a stop here:

The thing to pay attention to is the "continental USA" right there on the bottom.  So when we saw signs pointing us to the "southernmost point", we thought we had already been there!  Turns out, there are two southernmost points---the continental US and domestic US. The bottom point of the Big Island has the southernmost point of the 50 states since it is the most southern island of all the Hawaiian islands.

As we drove up, you could see where the island just stops and drops off drastically!  There was a long latter that went down to the water for people to climb up after making the leap into the water.  We did not jump...we wouldn't even get close the edge!

This was a nice little surprise to end out day hiking to the Green Sand Beach!

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