Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Came Early!

And by early...I mean in September : )

By now, we have been able to share with all our family and friends that our little Hill family is growing! (and so is my belly) We are so thrilled to be expecting our first baby in June!

The last time I posted on the blog was to share all the pictures from our amazing trip to Hawaii.  Shortly after that last post is when we discovered that we brought home a little more than we thought from the Big Island!

The beginning of October I felt "funny" (I'll spare any details about that)---after seeing how expensive pregnancy tests were, I went to the dollar store and raced home.  I couldn't believe what I was seeing! Not long after taking it, I could see a little pink line start to get darker and darker!  I am off on Fridays but the mister is not---I could NOT wait until he got home after 5! So, I called him--and he was in the car with someone! whoops!  Not the most romantic way of telling your husband he's going to be a daddy--but I didn't care!

The next day, we went and bought a different brand and took 2 more tests---you know just to be sure! And, of course, they all said the same thing! A little bean was growing!

At that point I felt pretty good! That didn't last long though! From weeks 7-11 I felt nothing short of miserable! It doesn't help that I stand most of the day at work.  Luckily, I work with great people that would work around the chair I pulled up to my computer most days!

Now, I feel great! My energy is back, I don't feel sick all day, and we have been able to hear a sweet little heartbeat three times now!

My hope is to continue to update the latest and greatest with Baby Hill! 15 weeks down, 25 to go!

We are heading home on Christmas day for a few days! Merry Christmas y'all!!


  1. I love this post! I can't wait for Baby Hill and Baby Price to be buds just like their mamas!

  2. YAY!!! So excited for you and Justin!!
