Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Happy Birthday, Julia!

This past weekend, I made a trip to the Gold-city (minus my other half who had to study--yuck) to celebrate the 1st birthday of my cousin, Julia.

Julia was brought into our family after my aunt and uncle adopted this precious little girl.  With her huge blue eyes and infectious smile, she has been such a joy to everyone.

The party was so cute and Julia was the princess of the afternoon!

While some kids dive into their first birthday cake, Julia was a little overwhelmed by all the attention and really awesome loud singing

She eventually got it together and was able to eat some birthday cake--there was no smashing of this cake though! She kept things quite clean!

It was a great afternoon with the family and some of Julia's precious little friends!

Up until the arrival of Julia, I was the only granddaughter (on both sides--crazy)! And most of you know how near and dear Granny is to me! I loved seeing how much Julia also adores my sweet grandmother!  Warms my heart!

While I was home, my mom and I also made some pretty awesome Halloween costumes! There are 6 of us and we are going to look awesome! Yaba Daba Dooooo!!

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