Sunday, October 28, 2012

Happy Fall, Y'all!

While I love summer and everything that it involves, fall also has it's perks! It's not 3000 degrees, football season starts, fall fashion is the BEST shopping...and, of course, my birthday!

I love decorating the house for fall and Pintrest had some great ideas!

And my mom got me this little guy...

how cute is he!?!

One of the other wonderful things about fall is Halloween. Over the past couple of years, we have had such a great time coming up with creative ideas


So this year when trying to figure out the perfect outfit, we finally had enough people willing to do the Flinstones....ALL the Flinestones...and the Rubbles! The cost of the costumes was we decided to make them! Everyone came over to our house for a little Halloween get together!

Pebbles and Bam Bam!

Fred and Wilma!

Barney and Betty!

It was a fun night! Henry even dressed up for the occasion!

Happy fall, y'all!

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